Wassup...(not hello and welcome) to a guestless episode of the pod.
Today Arjun and Kevin talked about why Arjun left Twitter, a psychoanalytic method of understanding social media (courtesy of Max Read in Bookforum), student journalists vs. old school journalists, why journalism school is a waste of time, how hopeless we feel about the future of the media, and much more. We also have some more clips for you guys.
We'll have a guest next week. Enjoy the episode!
Arjun and Kevin try something new up top (0:00)
Arjun talks about leaving Twitter (re: “Going Postal,” Max Read, Bookforum, 2020) (2:12)
This kind of tweet haunts Arjun (7:56)
Media people talking about media people with non-media people (re: Episode 13 - Everybody's Really Weird with Gaby Del Valle) (12:26)
How young journalists are challenging the old guard’s obsession over objectivity (re: “College newsrooms challenge an industry’s status quo,” Serena Cho, CJR, 2020) (16:20)
The freedom of college newspapers (re: Episode 7 - The Precarity Gauntlet with Marie Solis) (17:53)
How objectivity in journalism has become a neoliberal tool for corporate media (20:51)
Will this new class of “heroic” college journalists save us? (24:28)
Arjun shares stories from Columbia Journalism School (27:27)
Kevin asks Arjun whether Journalism School was worthwhile (29:34)
Clip time!
Using the entire spectrum of your emotions in your work (re: Episode 12 - Projecting Hope with Vinson Cunningham) (33:39)
Are we scared about the future of our profession? (re: Episode 8 - "People of Color" with E. Tammy Kim) (38:57)
How can we look forward to work when the jobs we were promised are disappearing? (re: Episode 6: Open Mic Night with K. Austin Collins) (43:58)
Arjun has some thoughts about the fashion choices of powerful media men (46:45)
Arjun shares David Rudnick’s pasta twitter thread with the guys at Caputo’s and Kevin gets noticed by a listener (hey Ritu!) (49:22)
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